Domico Watson competed in the Philadelphia Marathon 2023, Watson clocked a time of 2:53:15.
Watson finished 363rd overall, he was the 326th Male, and 86th in the Men's 30 - 34 Age Group Division.
Watson posted on Social Media, "Most importantly I celebrate completing my 5th marathon and I'm extremely grateful to have accomplished my 3rd sub 3 hour race in a row. Extending my training period by over a month after the cancellation of the 'Twin Cities Marathon' I was glad my body was in one piece at the starting line. I thank all my friends and family for the amazing well wishes and advice.
While I was happy to run well the day offered challenges that prevented my best. The frigid 30-40-degree weather didn't seem to agree with me, especially in the later miles when my body temperatures seemed a little bit low. Shivering at mile 25 of a marathon = unpleasant.
I definitely did not study the new Philly course closely enough. My knowledge of this race was flat and fast. I should have done better homework and learned the course has been altered and is now hilly. So many hills. I blasted through the first half in 1 hour 20 minutes feeling relaxed and thinking the inclines were done....I was extremely wrong! I definitely needed more legs than I had for the second half.
The excessive up and downhill work killed the quads, took out the calfs, and finished Achilles and his heels. The epic final six miles of the lakeshore I had prepped for ended up a survival run to the finish.
But these things are honestly why I come back to the Marathon. Not for the pain and suffering, but because each time we run 26.2 miles we encounter new challenges. You learn new things about yourself. I love the fact that this run was far from perfection because it means I have not reached my ceiling. There are so many improvements that will create better runs in the future.
The hilliest and coldest marathon I've done in a while - finish time 2.53. Boston you're next."